
Dreamwork helps us realize our healing, strengthen our connections & embrace our wholeness.

Our dreams provide us with guidance, support, reflection & nourishment. Let me guide you in your personal dreamwork adventure to unlock, explore, discover & connect on your journey to realizing more health, vitality & wholeness.

Dreamwork helps heal, strengthen and connect

Dreamwork is my spiritual practice and has been so for most of my lifetime. I say “spiritual” because it connects me to both the center of myself and the center of Everything/God/Spirit. At all major junctures and mundane moments in my life, dreams point me back to this center, like a North Star. They remind me that I and the world contain endless possibility, magic and wisdom and they serve as guidance about how to move forward in this earthly body and in this larger shared life experience with all other Beings. All of my teachers of dreamwork over the years have said in one way or another that dreams come to help us become more whole and I also believe this to be true.

Dreamwork guide for support, reflection and nourishment

Dreams have fed me when Ive been hungry, responded with a map when I asked for one, given me gifts to unwrap and keys for safekeeping, thrown me a party to celebrate, reminded me that I know how to fly, brought me to many far off lands for lessons and adventures, lifted me up to touch the heights of holy places, invited me to sit deeply inside myself perched on a rock in the sunshine of a never-before discovered canyon, given me advance notice of something big coming, reconnected me to ancestors for healing, scheduled a forest picnic with animal guides, married me to the Universe, brought me to tea with the Swamp Queen, taken me on a walk to meet a new plant ally who serenaded me, repeatedly served me a throne on consecutive nights until I eventually took my seat, kissed me ever so deliciously in a time of isolation, shouted imperatives that I would remember when waking… Dreams have helped me grow by extending a beautiful hand to invite me into a new experience while at other times dreams have stunned me with a chilling scene to wake me up to the work at hand. Like an oracle and a Guide, I look to my dreams for guidance, support, reflection and nourishment; a reminder of who I am and what the most essential work is right now and now and now.

Dreamwork to unlock, explore, discover & connect.

Having trained, studied and practiced many different ways of befriending dreams, I have an array of tools to share with you about developing your unique relationship with your dreams. The symbolic language of dreams may seem random and strange, yet these mysterious symbols are a secret code made just for you, the Dreamer. Allow me to help you step back into the land of your dreams, being curious together and allowing you this sacred time to experience more of what they are communicating to you, thus unlocking the secret code of your dreams, that only you have the key for.

I encourage my clients to cultivate their relationships with their dreams by keeping a dream journal, making dream intentions and enlivening the dream through art making and other embodied practices. In sessions, I may invite you to move back into a dream to fully experience it from every angle and cell, use art to enliven the dream images and/or engage in conscious intentional dreaming where you allow yourself to continue a dream forward or make a new one!

Come in specifically for a Dreamwork session and/or let’s weave it into your Alchemy Coaching sessions.

Dreamwork Sessions are $170 for an hour.

Start your Dreamwork Journey NOW


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