creativity support

Creativity coaching helps you enjoy life more fully.

Remove limits to being creative. Engage more with the world in creative ways. Move through your creative block by connecting with your source.

Creativity coaching helps you enjoy life more fully.
Remove limits to being creative.

I’ve been an artist since early childhood and with fervor I ventured forth from high school to pursue art school and an undergraduate degree in fine arts. I then went on to study art therapy in graduate school and have been a registered art therapist for nearly 20 years. I have looked upon the creative process from various perches of my life and bring an array of experiences, insight and support to the people that come to me for creativity support.

I’ve always innately known that the creative process of art-making promotes profound transformation and healing, individually and collectively. It’s just one of those basic things that makes sense, doesn’t it? When we look back throughout history and time we see the powerful ways that art has helped shaped our world and our hearts.

One thing I’ve come to know is that there are no limits to what it means to be creative and to make art. It might be that you paint at an easel, throw pots on the potter’s wheel, write ecstatic poetry or work as a professional photographer or fashion designer. But have you considered your time in the garden, cooking, decorating your home, writing love notes to your Beloved, singing to your plants, gift-giving and everything else as potential for creative expression? Engaging with the world in creative ways and expressing our uniqueness in doing so is part of the joy of being alive!

In our time together I aim to be curious about where you source your creativity from and to help you discover more about your ways of connecting and perhaps make a few additional in-roads. There are lots of reasons and ways that creativity may feel blocked at times or feel missing from our lives. Some of this comes from different parts of our various cultures and our personal upbringings and then these may take hold as an inner critic who then gets in our own way.

I’m wild about everything about creativity and art making and it is my absolute pleasure to support you on your path. Let us dive in together, discovering more about your relationship to your creativity, what gets in your way and how to move forward.

Come in specifically for a Creativity Support session and/or let’s weave it into your Alchemy Coaching sessions.

Creativity Support sessions are $170 for an hour.

Welcome in your next Creative Act NOW

Connect with your source through art.
Creativity coaching virtual & in person.

Pictured above is Jen Berlingo’s Soulspace oracle deck. Check it out here:

Engage more with the world in creative ways.
Move through your creative block.



Art Coaching & Portfolio Prep