Alchemy Coaching

Dive deeply into your knowing; listen, trust, attune, love.

Alchemy coaching has the potential to help you make deep inner transpersonal changes (spanning both spirit & flesh); bridging your everyday & your spiritual selves using art, dreaming, plant allies & ceremony.

Denver Life Coaching Private Practice

Having practiced as a transpersonal art psychotherapist for more than 20 years, I’m thrilled to now step fully into a new evolution of my work in the world ~ in my role as a coach/mentor/guide or as I like to say, a modern-day alchemist. Into the alchemical space of this new practice, I carry to you a cauldron of swirling offerings - a combination of deep, tender-hearted conversation, curiosity-led soul-stalking, dreamwork using both waking and nighttime symbols and images, an invitation to experience art making as a way of tapping into your truest-knowing, guidance to woo and connect with plant allies, inspiration for taking on the World as your Lover, support for self-designing ceremonies and more.

Alchemy coaching for deep inner change.

Alchemy coaching could be for you if you know you’d like to work differently than in traditional psychotherapy or in addition to the psychotherapy work you’re already doing or have done in the past. Our time together is not intended as mental health care but to be collaborative in the colorful process of transmutation (this term from the ancient practice of alchemy as a metaphor for making deep inner changes that bridge connection between our humanness and our transpersonal/spiritual selves).

Let’s identify the ways you are connected to your deepest knowing and help you to build more connection through practices such as quiet/stillness, deep-listening, art-making, night-time dreaming, conscious day-time dreaming, connection with plant allies, leaning into relationships with Ancestors, Guides and the more-than-human world, self-designed ceremony and more…

In person & Virtual Life Coach with experience

An alchemy coaching session might look like this… You arrive a few minutes early to my office and wait on the sunny front porch for your session time. I come out to greet you and together, we make our way through the front door and settle into the armchairs of my cozy little candle-lit office with a warm cup of tea in our hands. Sacred objects, art materials, treasures from the Wild, divination cards and the smell of burning plants greet you. Together we sit back and deeply in as we stir the cauldron of possibilities by becoming present, feeling our hearts and bodies in the space, seeing what arises and calls to be included in our time today ~ the possibilities are wide and deep, as we’ve never been exactly here before. Together, we are curious and explorative, discovering what it is that you are experiencing, calling forth, craving, sruggling with, banishing, coming home to, remembering, getting ready for, leaning into, setting boundaries around, suring-up, steadying… Depending on what arises out of the cauldron we create, we may reach for art materials, call upon a Plant Spirit, sing to a Spirit Guide, choose a divination card, return to a dream-scape; creating ceremony as we weave amongst the possibilities. You leave your Alchemy Coaching Session feeling that you’ve been nourished by reconnecting with your deepest soul-threads. You are reminded of your unique way of knowing. You remember that there is nothing wrong with you, that magic is real and that the truest answers are where they’ve always been; inside of you.

Alchemy Coaching sessions are $170 for an hour.

Start your Alchemical Journey NOW

