self-designed ceremony

Let everyday be sacred.

Allow me to support you in creating self-designed ceremonies that enrich and enliven your days. Craft both everyday ceremonies and specific rituals for major life events.

Ceremony guide and support, Denver, CO.

Once upon a time, long ago, I discovered that I have a deep calling to aid others (and myself, of course) in making deep inner changes that bridge connection between our Spirit and Flesh, fitting as much of our transpersonal/spiritual selves into our human bodies as is possible.

With a deep respect for ritual and after years of experience being in many different kinds of ceremony and knowing their profound impact upon my own life, it is an honor to assist you in creating your own unique relationship to ceremony, making meaning at necessary times in your life or even perhaps, everyday.

As we create ceremony, we step from the ordinary into the sacred. We move into deeper connection with ourselves and the world, marking this unique moment in our lives. Ritual asks us to be active and intentional participants in the unfolding of our story. Whether we create a ceremony to grieve the loss of a loved one or a part of our selves, or to celebrate the start of a new chapter in our lives ~ the birth of a baby, a wedding, a divorce, a new school year or a birthday ~ ritual helps to mark the spot, to catch us up physically, emotionally and energetically.

Bridge connection through self-designed ceremony.

Ceremony is also a beautiful way to consider moving through the rhythms of everyday life. By gathering your intentions and taking them along with you into the seemingly mundane tasks of your life, these everyday chores and to do’s may be recognized for their natural goodness, nourishment and potential. Or perhaps infusing a little sacredness into the must-do list might make it all feel a bit more meaningful.

When we become quiet and listen, we attune to our own pulse, our very own rhythm. From here, we can connect with our deepest Self/God/Goddess/Buddha Nature/Spirit/Ancestors/Guides…It is from this place of you that is both Spirit and Flesh, that you might discover for yourself the answer to a burning question and perhaps even experience an answer before the question is born.

Throughout history and time, there are infinite reasons and ways to make ceremony. Let’s discover where you are and what you’re needing right now and help you along your way as you traverse this business of being a spiritual being in this human body. Often through a deep consideration of our own ancestry we find threads to collect and we may choose to take hold of the old ways and reclaim them anew. My role is in supporting you to connect to yourself, listen deeply and to find your own answers. Do you have a ceremony that is aching to be born? What would it be like for you to consider finding ceremony in the everyday moments?

Let everyday be sacred.

Schedule with me for support in self-designing your ceremony and/or let’s weave it into your Alchemy Coaching sessions.

Self-Designed Ceremony support sessions are $170 for an hour.

Begin your Ceremony NOW


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